Les TLA font leur cinoche
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  • : Les TLA font leur cinoche
  • Les TLA font leur cinoche
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20 mai 2012 7 20 /05 /mai /2012 10:46


Description of the film posterAffiche du film Harry Potter 5

            In this poster, the focal point is on Harry Potter’s face as he is in the light, and right in the middle. In the foreground, you can see the principal characters: Hermione Granger on the right and Ron Weasley on the left, as well as the title of the movie: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. In the background, there are other characters who are all friends with Harry. Though they are wizards, they are wearing normal clothes. Moreover, the general atmosphere is dark, which is in contrast with the light on Harry. They must be in a no man’s land, surrounded by smog.

            Harry Potter looks angry and determined, just like his friends. They are ready to fight against their enemies. The artist’s objectives are therefore to show Harry as a hero supported by friendship in a frightening world.   




Sophie et Illana 

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